1. How many ways are we swamped by noise? We are bothered by the world’s noise because it does not let our own noise be heard. Our own shouting clamor separates us from Totality whose message becomes audible only in Silence. There are many forms of silence, which we force to ourselves: the activity-silence; the silence, which is an end in itself; silence, which becomes an own reality… (If you would like to read more about this, please read my essay here.)
2. The essence of Totality is Silence. Thoughts about the perpetuity of God. In my essays there is a large difference between silence and Silence. Lowercase silence is determined by us and filled by us. Uppercase Silence is God’s form of existence which He presents us if we ask for and accept Him humbly. The Silence of God is the symbol of God’s perpetuity and God’s simple purity above all existing complexities that can be experienced by us. (If you would like to read more about this, please read my essay here.)
3. The depths of Silence born in us. The reserved sanctuary of our Soul is God’s home. For going so deep inside ourselves and finding the Father’s Totality there, we have to deprive ourselves of ourselves entirely. Solitude helps us reach the Silence of God but the Silence of God is the opposite of solitude. The Silence of God protects us from everything. A lot of things help us reach the Silence of God. (If you would like to read more about this, please read my essay here.)
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